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Principal's Message

Principal's Message [1]

Hello Resorter Families,

Welcome to Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah Middle School!  As Resorters, we pride ourselves on being kind, respectful, responsible, and safe as part of our school environment where all students are able to do their best learning. Our school-wide Resorter Way behavior guidelines and incentives provide a road map for promoting positive social behaviors among all students. We understand the importance of each child being heard, respected while helping our students be open to learning about others. 

Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah Middle School offers all core academic subjects in addition to  art, band, choir, music, physical education, and library-related skills. Our 8th grade students experience a wide variety of exploratory courses including Spanish, leadership, culinary arts, economics, agriculture, and technology. Our daily advisory program allows each middle schooler to become his/her best self. Students enjoy one-to-one learning environments using Chromebooks as well as other technological devices. The vast variety of clubs, organizations, athletics, and other social events that are offered to our students are unmatched in comparison to other schools our size. There is something for everyone at ELGMS.

Students regularly receive education that is tailored to meet their individual academic and social needs. With compassion and an unmatched level of dedication, our teachers, administrators, and school counselor do everything in their power to help our students succeed in all areas of their lives. We welcome and encourage parents as partners and thrive on providing the best learning environment that understands the importance in helping ALL young adolescents achieve success. 


For the Resorter Way!


Dr. Jeanne Courneene

